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Stranger Things Series 4 - Remembering my youth

Last night, well actually well into the night I spent 5 hours watching the new series. I probably would have watched it the whole night and finished it as this is possibly my favourite series of all time other than Only Fools and Horses.

Spending my teenage years during the 80s it is great to see such an attention to detail and all the old gadgets and clothes. I am also a sucker for a fantasy/horror theme. It is like an adult version of The Goonies. Looking forward to finishing some work and then watching the rest tonight.

Creating a mix on a tape using the stop and start method on cassettes recorded from the radio and then trying to unravel the tape when it got jammed and it spiralled out of all control!

I did try my hands/legs/head at break dancing but wasn’t any good on my crap piece of lino. It was actually the flattened box from a Scalextric set.

I suppose my favourite hobby other than football and golf was my BMX. I did some crazy things on that. But in later life when I was about 32 years old I bought one off my friend and I suddenly realised that falling off trying to do a stunt hurts like hell when you are not 15 anymore!

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