Staying Creative and Treating Your Brain Kindly: Two Effective Methods

Creative individuals know that staying inspired and curious can be challenging, especially with the demands of daily life. The brain, like any other part of the body, needs care and variety to remain vibrant and open to new ideas. Here are two effective methods for maintaining creativity while nurturing your mind: learning something new each day and setting aside time for reading.

1. Learning Something New Each Day

Our brains thrive on novelty and variety, and learning something new every day keeps your mind sharp and engaged. Whether it’s an interesting fact, a new word, a different skill, or an insight from a field you’re unfamiliar with, this small but consistent practice can lead to significant changes. Research shows that engaging in lifelong learning helps increase cognitive flexibility, improves memory, and can even delay cognitive ageing. Here’s how to approach daily learning:

Start Small: Set a manageable goal, like learning one new fact or skill each day. Apps, podcasts, and even short online courses offer a wealth of opportunities.

Explore Outside Your Comfort Zone: If you’re in a creative field, try reading about science, history, or philosophy. This cross-pollination of ideas often brings fresh insights that fuel creativity in unexpected ways.

Reflect on What You’ve Learned: Take a few moments each day to jot down or think about how your new knowledge might relate to something in your life. Reflecting not only reinforces what you’ve learned but also lets your brain connect new information to existing knowledge, strengthening memory and expanding creative capacity.

2. Setting Aside Time for Reading

Reading regularly—whether fiction or non-fiction—serves as a powerful workout for your brain, nurturing empathy, imagination, and focus. It also exposes you to different perspectives, stories, and ideas, giving you fresh material for creative thought. Here’s how to make the most of this practice:

Mix It Up: Both fiction and non-fiction reading have their benefits. Fiction enhances empathy and emotional intelligence by immersing you in other people’s lives and experiences, while non-fiction strengthens your knowledge base, challenges your worldview, and introduces you to new concepts.

Establish a Routine: Set aside at least an hour a day for reading. This creates a dedicated window where you can allow your mind to wander, learn, and relax.

Engage with the Material: Jot down notes, highlights, or thoughts as you read. This turns passive reading into an active, enriching experience and helps you connect ideas across different books.

A Balanced Approach to Nurturing Your Brain

By building a habit of learning something new every day and reading regularly, you not only expand your knowledge and perspective but also treat your brain with the kindness it deserves. This balance of curiosity and reflection lays a foundation for creativity, helping you stay fresh, inspired, and ready to tackle whatever ideas come your way.

Simon Lunt

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